"Practice blog-white cheddar popcorn"
To be perfectly honest, I just grabbed the first recognizable food item I saw on my way to class. Luckily, a friend in the library reminded me that I needed to bring something. I had been more focused on how I had to bring a different laptop because mine had decided to become bi-polar the night before I really needed it. Of course, I was also preoccupied with how to write a blog- the only one I have ever seen is hyperbole and a half (not exactly what everyone is expecting for a food blog, though there is one about needing a sandwhich). Either way, I ended up shoving a bag of white cheddar popcorn into my backpack to struggle for survival amongst my textbooks, and rushing to class...
Thankfully, that little blck bag of popcorn had the mind to stay on top of all my school supplies as opposed to jumbling to the bottom and inevitably becoming a pile of an unrecognizable substance at the bottom of my bag. So here I sit in class writing this thinking about what I could possibly say,that would suffice, about this brave, little bag of popcorn.
Clearly I have grabbed this particular brand of popcorn before, hence "first recognizable food...". I had a season where I craved it all the time but have since forgotten about my snack craving. The reason I had stopped eating it was because whenever I bought myself a bag, one of my many family members would claim it as their own while I was preoccupied at school. Those jerks. Thus, my cravings came to an end due to a lack of funds v. ammount I ate. Its really a quite simple and engenious business plan- make a snack that everyone could make on their own, and costs very little to make and charge an extraordinary amount more = major proffit.
My favorite part about this snack is the convenience, but the taste isn't bad either. A small crunch and a large but not overwhelming flavor; just like wearing perfume have enough that it can register but not too much. However, if you eat too much all at once it feels like your teeth are wearing socks.
My mother's phrase was "teeth are wearing sweaters," so I couldn't help but laugh at the sock reference. Both links are fantastic, and the picture above is certainly relevant. For the "real" essay, leave your alignment on the left (I can see the paragraph breaks more easily).