Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cottage Cheese && Noodles

Cottage Cheese & Noodles

Every so often my family gets to have their favorite meal Cottage Cheese and Noodles. It’s there all time tradition that started with my Aunt Jane that lived in Pueblo Colorado, which everybody adores. It’s absolutely delicious, that it is easy make, which everybody loves. That led to be a tradition right before my aunt passed away. Cottage cheese is a family tradition meal that was started by my Aunt Jane.

It’s not easy to pick whose the best cook in the family but we all decided that it was my Aunt Jane since she made are favorite meal Cottage Cheese and Noodles, which she loved to spoil us every so often. My Aunt lived in Pueblo Colorado (the old side of Pueblo) all her life, she would come up to Denver every so often come visit, and cook as well. She is my grandma sister who I live with. My Aunt would stay with us while she visits. Which I got the treatment try her new meals, out of the whole family. My Aunt Jane taught me how cook my first meal which was Cottage Cheese and Noodles. Still today I try make it but not as good as her, don’t have that touch. She will be truly missed since she passed away not very long ago. Not much of the family makes Cottage Cheese and Noodles. Even though I don’t know how make it, I ask my grandma make it every so often make it, but she really don’t know how make it ether. Pretty much no one could make it good as her.

But the most memory I remember was I looked forward to her pretzels cookies homemade that’s shaped as as a snow flake s they were to die for, and since she passed we got to keep the machine. But we haven’t made them since. Cottage cheese and Noodles maybe the whole time favorite meal, but you can’t forget the desert.

From what I remember making Cottage Cheese and Noodles isn’t that hard make. All you got to do is get a big frying pan, bowel it at 350 then add little bet of oil not too much because you will be able taste it. While it’s bowling add the noodles (get normal size big twisted noodles) then let it cook. After it’s all done cooking, drain the noodles into a bowl with those holes in it, then poor the noodles back into the pan. Add butter and sitar it very good, then add the Cotta Cheese, and sitar some more. Then there you go Cotta Cheese, and Noodles, make sure eat any kind of bread with it.

Even though my Aunt Jane was the best cook in the family, and everybody loved her, and the cooking. Cotta Cheese and Noodles will always be the tradition in the family from the past up until now from what we all shared with her. No one will ever be able make Cotta Cheese, and Noodles compare to her. She will truly be miss, and loved.

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